Jewish Scholastic Press Association

Bringing professionalism and Jewish values to high school journalism

  • February 29Winners of the 2024 Jewish Scholastic Journalism Awards to be announced March 10

Jewish Scholastic Press Association

Jewish Scholastic Press Association

NUANCE: Rabbi Block said his decision to censor the article had been difficult. “It’s not that I agree that such an article can never be shared or understand the other side… But to me, I provide education for our community, and so if our community can’t handle something, I do have to consider that.”

School censors story about LA Muslim teens and war

Sophie Katz, The Boiling Point, Shalhevet High School
June 18, 2024
Milken’s Dance Company dancing to “Adir Adirim”

Milken’s Dance Company Takes Center Stage

Noa Berrin, The Milken Roar, Milken Community School
June 2, 2024
Senior Natanel Gold in front of words that inspire him.

Black/Jewish Teen Initiative

Asher Lytton, Palette, Atlanta Jewish Academy
March 5, 2024
Auerbach smoking a cigar behind Bill Russel after winning the 1966 NBA Finals. (Via Wikimedia Commons)

The Bereshit of Basketball

Naftali Tilove, RampageWired, Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy
February 29, 2024
Ninio (far right) and family traveled Puerto Rico over winter break during Ninio’s time at JDS.

JDS welcomes Israeli students relocated due to Israel-Hamas War

Maya Greenblum and Jordana Dauber, The Lion's Tale, Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School
February 29, 2024
Three open letters written by CESJDS alumni circulated around the school about the Israel-Hamas war.

A series of open letters rock the CESJDS community

Aliza Bellas, The Lion's Tale, Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School
February 1, 2024
Mayor Salim Nice and Deputy Mayor Dave Rosenbaum at NYHS.

Mercer Island Muslim and Jewish leaders work together against hate

Elianna Rothstein, The Mane Idea, Northwest Yeshiva High School
January 17, 2024
Israeli flags fly in the wind at the March for Israel.

Heschel Students Participate in Historic March for Israel

Philip Efron, Heschel Helios, The Heschel School
January 17, 2024
A group of Ramaz students at a Free the Hostages rally by the United Nations on Oct. 18.

Ramaz Reacts to Hamas Terrorism In Israel

Aviva Schilowitz, The Rampage, Ramaz Upper School
January 15, 2024
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