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Jewish Scholastic Press Association

Bringing professionalism and Jewish values to high school journalism

  • February 29Winners of the 2024 Jewish Scholastic Journalism Awards to be announced March 10

Jewish Scholastic Press Association

Jewish Scholastic Press Association

All content by Vivienne Schlussel
CAMP: Demonstrators at the University of Michigan protest to demand the school cut all ties with the State of Israel in light of its war with Hamas.

[Photo] Alumni and seniors navigate new campus reality

Sophie Katz and Arieh Elad, The Boiling Point, Shalhevet High School
July 28, 2024
VIDEO: What are you repenting for on Yom Kippur 5783?

VIDEO: What are you repenting for on Yom Kippur 5783?

Vivienne Schlussel, The Boiling Point, Shalhevet High School
September 15, 2022
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