Hadassah Teen Essay contest asks how anti-semitism is affecting your life


Hadassah Magazine and jGirls are sponsoring their second annual teen essay contest for girls and young women.  The topic this year is about experiences with antisemitism. The deadline is Nov. 5.

The winning essay will be published in Hadassah magazine, which reaches more than 250,000 people, along with jGirls Magazine, and the winner will receive a subscription to Hadassah Magazine.  Established in 1914, Hadassah covers Israel, the Jewish world and subjects of interest to American Jewish women.  It is published by the  Hadassah Women’s Zionist Organization of America.

The contest is open to self-identifying Jewish girls and women between the ages of 13 and 19 who reside in the U.S. or Israel.


Here’s the prompt:

Tell us about a time in your life when antisemitism affected you and how you responded.

We are interested in personal narratives about your own experience and/or feelings, in your unique voice.

The following questions are designed to help guide you as you develop your piece. (You do not need to answer all of them, or even any of them—they are meant to get your ideas flowing).

                         ~Have you ever experienced antisemitism in school? How? When? What happened?

                         ~Has antisemitism ever affected a relationship you’ve had with a friend or family member? How? When? What happened?

                         ~Have you experienced antisemitism in any of your communities? These can be real, virtual, social media or other communities. How? When? What happened?

                        ~How did you respond in a situation (or situations) when someone has made antisemitic remarks? How did it make you feel?


Click here for details and guidelines.

Click here for the entry form.